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Boost student,
teachers and administrative staff mobility
to further anchor our international openness


Our establishment offers three tertiary associate degrees known in French as BTS :
- BTS Accounting Management
- BTS Support for Managerial Action
- BTS Tourism

The high school training center offers:
- BTS Commercial Operational Management

- General Diploma in Accounting
            Not eligible for the Erasmus + program


1- Choice of partners


The choice of partners is based on several criteria, namely:

  • The languages ​​taught at the school which are English, Spanish, Italian, German, Chinese and Japanese..

  • The type of training offered, for schools, in the tertiary sector, mainly administration, communication, commerce, tourism, accounting, management ...;

  • The type of companies for internships and / or training are as far as possible in line with the prepared diplomas;

  • Geographic and / or linguistic proximity;

  • Ease of access for our students;

  • Young people's wishes.


With regard to geographic regions, teachers and students are mainly directed to European destinations: Spain, Great Britain and Malta are the most popular destinations. Then come Italy, Germany and Ireland. The cost of living in the Nordic countries, Norway, Sweden and Denmark, where English is widely spoken, is often a limit, despite the Erasmus grants.

Our goal is to open up to the eastern countries such as Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Latvia, the Czech Republic.

In these countries, it is possible to speak English on a daily basis in business circles. We are working on it because the cost of living is quite affordable, English is spoken there and above all these countries are very demanding. However, from the outset young people are reluctant to move to these destinations. It's up to us to reverse the trend!


Destinations outside Europe are the United States, Australia, Canada, South America which  appeal to young people but only a minority can make their mobility to these destinations due to the costs involved.

In fact,  the students who invest in these mobilities are those from the BTS Tourism sections and some students of the BTS Support for Managerial Action.
In order to satisfy the demand of these tertiary BTS students and to be in line with the international opening that we advocate, we now offer, within the framework of our Training Center, a Bachelor Management and International Business with a minimum of 3 months internship abroad.


2 - Objectives and target groups


The objectives of student mobility and teaching mobility are complementary.

      Objectives of student mobility for young people in BTS are :


  • Language skills and strive for multilingualism acquisition;

  • To acquire transversal skills such as the ability to think critically, to be curious and creative, to take initiatives, solve problems and work collaboratively, to communicate effectively in a multicultural and interdisciplinary environment ;

  • To adapt to context, and to cope with stress and uncertainty. These skills are part of the key skills ;

  • Strengthen and improve professional technical skills in communication, marketing, HR ... in an international context

  • Validate linguistic, cultural and managerial experience in the environment of the host country by practicing a working language different from French;

  • Foster interest in foreign cultures and develop European citizenship.


These objectives are set out, from the first BAC Professionals internships, as part of the Bac-3 / Bac + 3 continuum. Our objective is to familiarize young people with mobility as soon as possible.

So, when they integrate the superior, they are already in the dynamics of the international. This mobility becomes a non-negligible advantage both in the context of further studies and professional integration, in France or abroad, for the completion of the BTS where it occupies a first place in terms of employability.


      Objectives of teacher mobility and administrative staff :


  • Exchange practices and innovate in pedagogy (new tools, new methods) and management;

  • Strengthen collaboration with our partners;

  • Integrate schools and businesses in training to create real synergies;

  • Enrich one's linguistic and cultural knowledge;

  • Always opening up to European citizenship.


Teachers, as well as administrative staff, are encouraged to move across all disciplines.

It is about showing young people that mobility is not just for language teachers. The professor of philosophy, economics or others ... who goes on mobility must be an example to follow!


       Our most important target groups are therefore:


  • Students of BTS 1st tertiary year, mainly BTS Support for Managerial Action and BTS Tourism - even if some students of BTS Accounting Management begin to appear, especially for Malta - as far as it is planned, in the repositories of these diplomas, 8 weeks of internship at the end of the first year

  • Teaching and non-teaching staff, the “first prescribers” of mobility, who do their best to develop partnerships with schools and businesses. Their contribution is essential with young people (and often indirectly with parents) in          terms of mobility !



3 - Organization and implementation of European and international cooperation projects in education and training in connection with projects implemented within the framework of the Program


We intend to continue opening up internationally, these include:


- Communicate even more with pupils, families and students upon entering the establishment, even before entering the BTS, on the added value of mobility both professionally and personally;

- Develop our contacts with companies and establishments, through institutional cooperation, for the purposes of internship or training of teachers and administrative staff with the aim of improving the level of qualification and ultimately promoting the employability of young people who are entrusted;

- Carry out intra and extra Europe cooperation projects;

- Share innovative educational practices and promote knowledge transfer;

- Foster inclusion by allowing as many people as possible, and in particular scholarship students, to access mobility via Erasmus Internships;

- Simplify the procedures for student mobility candidates to improve quality and efficiency in the procedures to be followed;

- Involve more teachers outside the linguistic disciplines as well as administrative and management staff;

- Prepare and monitor the mobility of students through personalized support and constant relationships with the host company;

- Contribute to the recognition and validation of skills using the credit transfer application (ECTS) via the Diploma supplement and the Europass to validate your professional skills;

- Enroll our general high school, which, devoid of training placements, does not "touch" too little Erasmus, in youth exchanges and / or strategic partnerships;

- Developing study mobility despite the reluctance of students to take the BTS level;

- Promote mobility at regional level through our partnership with the Nîmes Alès Metropolitan Center and the Maison de l'Europe by funding a linguistic and cultural stay for a small group of students on the UCLAN Campus, campus of the University of Preston , town twinned with the town of Nîmes;

- Foster inter-establishment mobility by also establishing college / high school partnerships;

- Mix Education / Training projects and Youth and Sport projects and mix formal and non-formal education, in particular by hosting the European Solidarity Corps ...


... With the aim of contributing to the modernization of the French education system through openness with the enrichment of cultural differences and striving towards better employability.

4 - Expected impact on the modernization of higher education

Our establishment thus contributes to the modernization of higher education for the 5 priorities of the higher education strategy:

  • Increase the level of qualification to train the graduates and researchers that Europe needs

In a context of globalization of the economy, the success of our young people must, in addition to obtaining a diploma, "stick" as well as possible to the job market with which they will be confronted in the future.

Our goal is to encourage them to mobility and multilingualism, to promote the acquisition of language skills but also transversal skills such as critical thinking, curiosity, openness to others, taking initiatives, autonomy ... and to contribute to the increase of their qualifications.The surveys of our former students attest to this regularly in view of the pursuit of studies and the positions held in France, Europe or more generally internationally, especially for the sections Tourism and Support to the Action Managériale.


  • Improving the quality and relevance of higher education

The mobility of trainees and training enables, through contacts between companies and institutions, a wider vision of higher education. Our students, teachers and non-teaching staff by maintaining and developing constant international links understand interculturality much better and  improve the quality and relevance of higher education.

  • Raising quality through mobility and transnational cooperation

Mobility and transnational cooperation contribute, in particular through the ECTS, the diploma supplement and the Europass, to promote the academic and professional internationalization of our BTS students.
They have the possibility to enrich their training paths and respond to the demand of their future employers, in constant search for "new talents" carrying distinctive skills.

  • Link higher education, research and business to foster excellence and regional development

Collaborating with partners in higher education is a point that we strive to implement even if the recognition of the BTS level at bac + 2 is not homogeneous within the European Union.

We are doing everything possible, notably through our partnership with the University of Nîmes for the professional license "Knowledge of Heritage" to forge links in particular with the Malta Tourism Institute.

The opening of our Bachelor Management and International Business, also works in this direction by offering students a professional immersion of a minimum of three internationally.

Collaborating with foreign companies "grows" personally and professionally, students, teachers and administrative staff.

Internship mobility allows us to anchor this dynamic year after year: requests for student mobility are always more numerous and varied as regards destinations.

Contribute, through the Campus of Professions and Qualifications Gastronomy, Hotel and Tourism Occitania, to support, through training, territorial policies of economic and social development.

Their dynamics should facilitate the integration of young people into employment. They can also be part of a synergy with regional competitiveness clusters. The business and qualification campuses are part of this ambition. It is to meet these challenges that regional authorities are involved in both the design of the campus and the development of projects.

The richness of these cooperations promotes excellence and regional development by increasing everyone's professional qualifications. The establishment’s International Relations Office is particularly vigilant.


  • Improving governance and funding

Participation in the Erasmus program allows us to further formalize our desire to be international.
First of all, communicating on the European Erasmus program brings credibility, transparency and new opportunities to students, teachers and staff. administrative.
And, obviously from a purely financial point of view, the entire educational community of our establishment is sensitive to Erasmus support which helps to cover the 8 weeks of internship  by promoting inclusion through access to mobility for the most disadvantaged (scholarship students).
The regional grant and the financial effort of our establishment on transport costs are also a great help for our young people, the main obstacle to mobility here, being funding


 ERASMUS+ Stratégy

A high school opened to Europe

With its education project for European citizenship, the Lycée Saint Vincent de Paul offers:
• various activities centered on Europe: European Week, hosting of European personalities in collaboration with the association called « Maison de l’Europe » in Nîmes.
• Various mobility projects: Language exchange with Spain, Germany, cruise on the Mediterranean, linguistic and cultural trip to Italy and to Malta.
• various European programs with the Europe Education Formation agency:


Erasmus +: vocational education and training

The Erasmus + program for vocational education and training contributes to the achievement of objectives linked to the European Employment set in particular within the framework of the strategy Europe 2020:

Who is concerned ? Young people from vocational high school: vocational baccalaureate in commerce, reception, administration and fashion management, from the European section in Spanish and English.

Which contribution? A mobility grant (financial, linguistic, cultural aid) for young people who want to complete an internship in a European country.

This course is certified by the Europass-Training booklet.


Erasmus +: higher education

The Erasmus + program for higher education contributes to the creation of a European higher education area by pursuing several objectives.

Who is concerned ? BTS students (students of higher education who already completed high school).

Which contribution? A mobility grant (financial aid) for an internship in a company abroad. The Erasmus + Student Charter specifies the rights and duties of the student.

Erasmus +

For more information, please contact:
Stéphanie CHAMONTIN: Head at International 
Sylvie ABEILLE: ERASMUS+ pedagogical manager for the BTS
Valva HERRERO and Caroline HARSCOUET: ERASMUS+ pedagogical officers for BACS PROFESSIONNELS
Stéphanie MARZIALS : ERASMUS+ administrative manager

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